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利用規約/Terms of Service

「SHINMINKA Villa」(以下、当Villaとする)をご利用になる場合は、以下、本規約をご理解いただいた上、





  1.  各物件の予約サイトにおけるキャンセルポリシーをご確認下さいませ。

  2. お客様、当Villaの双方に責任のない、西太平洋地域で発生を予測できる一般的な天候や自然現象(注1)は各物件の予約サイトにおけるキャンセルポリシーと同様と致します。(注1)毎年5月から10月にかけて発生する、熱帯低気圧や台風を含みます。

  3.  拘束力のない政府機関による移動・渡航自粛の勧告は、流行病や感染病等による非常事態が宣言された場合であっても各物件の予約サイトにおけるキャンセルポリシーと同様と致します。

  4. 上記23に起因する交通機関の混乱、一時的な不通も各物件の予約サイトにおけるキャンセルポリシーと同様と致します。

  5. ご利用期間中において、お客様の都合によりご利用を中止される場合、返金精算は致しかねます。


  1. 予約確定後に予期せぬ制御不能な下記2~4における事象が発生し、当Villaを提供することが不可能または違法となる場合、キャンセル対象とは致しません。支払い済みのご利用料金は全額返金致します。

  2. 天災、火山噴火、津波、長期間に渡ってライフラインが途絶した場合。これには発生を予測できる一般的な天候や自然現象である熱帯低気圧や台風は含まれません。

  3. 政府機関による当Villaがある場所への予期せぬ旅行要件の変更、移動・渡航制限により宿泊又は帰還が不可能になった場合。これには、拘束力のない政府機関による移動・渡航自粛の勧告は含まれません。

  4. 戦争、侵略、内戦、テロ、爆発、爆撃、暴動、内乱等の軍事活動が予期せぬ状況で発生した場合。



  1. ご利用の申し込みが、当Villaの規約によらないとき。

  2. ご利用をしようとする者が当Villaの利用に関し、法定の規定、公の秩序又は善良の風俗に反する行為をする恐れがあると認められるとき。

  3. ご利用をしようとする者に次の4、5の事由に該当する者がいるとき。

  4. 「暴力団員による不当な行為の防止等に関する法律」(平成3年法律第号)による暴力団及び指定暴力団員等又はその関係者、その他社会的勢力(以下「暴力団等」という)。

  5. 暴力団等に該当するものが役員となっている法人、団体、またはその構成員

  6. ご利用者が当Villa、当Villaの管理者に対し、暴力、脅迫、威圧的な不当要求を行い、合理的範囲を超える負担を要求したとき、またはかつて同様な行為を行ったと認められるとき。

  7. お互いの公平な立場を尊重せず、お客様上位の立場を利用し、横柄で高圧的な態度を取る方。

  8. ご利用しようとする者が伝染病であると明らかに認められるとき。

  9. 泥酔等により近隣の方に迷惑や危険を及ぼす恐れがあると認められたとき。

  10. 天災・自然災害・火災・停電・落雷・断水・道路遮断、その他危険等があると認められたとき。

  11. 当Villaの施設・設備の故障、保守の必要上、その他やむ得ない事由によりご利用させることができないとき。

  12. その他、不測の事態や当管理者が利用の中断を必要と判断したとき。

  13. 本規約に違反したとき。



  1. ご利用予定日、予定時間、予定人数、予定者以外の利用(注2)。(注2)見学、見物も含みます。

  2. ご利用予定後の居残り、占拠。

  3. 未成年のみでのご利用。

  4. 近隣住民を含む他人に嫌悪感を与えたり、迷惑を及ぼす行為。

  5. 当Villa内、当Villaの縁側は禁煙となります。当Villaの外での喫煙は持参の吸い殻入れを利用し、火元の不始末による火災の防止や、吸い殻の散乱による周辺道路の汚損防止にご協力お願い致します。

  6. 当Villaの設備、備品等の持ち出し。

  7. 当Villa内外を汚すような行為や落書きの禁止。

  8. 当Villa内で撮影された写真等を許可なく営業上の目的で公になさることは、法的処置の対象となることがございますのでご注意下さい。

  9. 当Villa内での個人操縦による小型無人飛行機の使用、飛行、撮影は、当Villaの許可のない限りお断り致します。


  1. ゴミ箱内に入っているものは全て処分致します。また、飲食物は遺棄したものとして全て処分致します。

  2. 当Villa内にて発見された忘れ物、遺失物については1ヶ月保管の後、処分させて頂きますのでご了承下さい。また、明らかに破損が見受けられた忘れ物、遺失物については遺棄したものと判断し処分させて頂きます。忘れ物のお引取り方法は指定の送り先をお知らせいただき、着払いでの郵送となりますのでご了承下さいませ。

  3. 当Villaの建造物、設備、美品その他の物品の破損、汚損、損失があった場合は、相当額を弁償していただきます。

  4. 当Villaのプールをご利用になる際、小さなお子様だけでのプール遊泳及び、プール周辺での遊戯等は禁止となります。必ず大人が付き添いのもとでご利用下さい。なお、当Villaのプール、当Villa内での事故について大人、子供関係なく当Villa、当Villaの管理者は一切の責任を負わないものとします。

  5. プール内への物の投げ込みや落下物の放置、常識を逸脱する利用があった場合、明らかに故意的と判断した場合は清掃管理代として相当額を請求させていただきます。



  1. 当Villaは宿泊契約及びこれに関する契約の履行に当たり、又はそれらの不履行により宿泊客に損害を与えたときはその損害を賠償します。ただし、それが当の責めに帰すべき事由によるものでないときは、この限りではありません。

  2. 当Villaは、万一の事態に備えて、旅館賠償責任保険に加入しております。

  3. 当Villaは、宿泊客に当Villaの提供が出来ない場合は、宿泊者の了解を得て、できる限り同一の条件による他の宿泊施設を斡旋します。

  4. 当Villaは、上記の規定にかかわらず他の宿泊施設に斡旋できないときは、違約金の相当額の補償料を宿泊客に支払い、その補償料は損害賠償額に充当します。但し、当Villaの提供ができないことについて、当の責めに帰すべき事由がないときは、補償料を支払いません

  Before to stay at SHINMINKA Villa (hereinafter referred to as 'the Villa'), please read and understand the following terms and conditions.

 Please note that you cannot use the Villa unless you agree to the conditions stated in this agreement.


Cancellation Policy

  1. Please refer to the cancellation policy on the respective property reservation website.

  2. For general weather and natural phenomena (Note 1) that can be predicted in the Western Pacific region, which includes tropical depressions and typhoons occurring between May and October each year, the cancellation policy on the respective property reservation website shall apply. Neither the customer nor the Villa shall be held responsible for such occurrences. (Note 1) Tropical depressions and typhoons are included.

  3. Non-binding recommendations for refraining from travel or movement issued by government agencies, even in the event of a state of emergency declared due to epidemics or infectious diseases, shall be subject to the cancellation policy on the respective property reservation website.

  4. Transportation disruptions or temporary unavailability caused by the above-mentioned points 2 and 3 shall be subject to the cancellation policy on the respective property reservation website.

  5. In the event that the customer voluntarily discontinues the usage during the reserved period, no refunds or settlements shall be made.



Cancellation Policy Exclusion

  1. In the event of unforeseen, uncontrollable incidents as described in 2-4 below occurring after the reservation is confirmed, rendering the provision of the Villa impossible or illegal, it shall not be subject to cancellation. The fully paid usage fee will be refunded in full.

  2. Natural disasters, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, or prolonged disruption of lifelines. This does not include tropical depressions or typhoons, which are general weather or natural phenomena that can be predicted.

  3. Unforeseen changes in travel requirements, travel restrictions, or inability to stay or return to the Villa location due to government agencies' actions. This does not include non-binding recommendations for refraining from travel or movement issued by government agencies.

  4. War, invasion, civil war, terrorism, explosions, bombings, riots, civil unrest, or any military activities occurring in unforeseen circumstances.



Refusal to Terminate the Accommodation Agreement or Refusal to Terminate the Use

 The Villa may not agree to the termination of the usage agreement under the following circumstances:

  1. When the application for usage does not comply with the regulations of the Villa.

  2. When the individual intending to use the Villa is deemed to have the potential to engage in acts that violate statutory provisions, public order, or good morals in relation to the use of the Villa.

  3. When there are individuals intending to use the Villa who fall under the following reasons (4 and 5).

  4. Members of organized crime groups or individuals associated with such groups, as defined by the "Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Group Members" (Act No. of the year 1991), or other social forces (hereinafter referred to as "antisocial forces").

  5. Corporations, organizations, or members thereof where individuals falling under antisocial forces hold positions.

  6. In cases where the guest of the Villa engages in violent, threatening, or unduly demanding behavior towards the Villa or its management, or when they are found to have previously engaged in similar acts that exceed reasonable limits of burden.

  7. Individuals who fail to respect the fair and equal position of both parties, exploit a superior position as a customer, and display arrogant or high-handed attitudes.

  8. When it is clearly evident that an individual intending to use the Villa is infected with a contagious disease.

  9. When there is a recognized risk of causing nuisance or danger to neighboring residents due to intoxication or similar circumstances.

  10. In the event of natural disasters, calamities, fires, power outages, lightning strikes, water supply disruptions, road closures, or other hazardous situations.

  11. When the facilities or equipment of the Villa are in need of repair, maintenance, or for other unavoidable reasons, making it impossible to provide the intended service.

  12. In unforeseen circumstances or when the management deems it necessary to interrupt the usage.

  13. In the event of a violation of these terms and conditions.

Prohibited Actions

  1. The use of the Villa on dates, times, or by a number of people other than those specified in the reservation (Note 2). (Note 2: This includes visits and sightseeing.)

  2. Overstaying or occupying the Villa premises beyond the scheduled usage period.

  3. Use of the Villa exclusively by minors.

  4. Engaging in behaviors that cause disgust or nuisance to neighboring residents or other individuals.

  5. Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the villa and on its veranda. If guests choose to smoke outside the villa, please use your own ashtrays, ensuring the prevention of fire hazards and avoiding littering on surrounding roads.

  6. Removal of equipment, furnishings, or any other items from the Villa premises.

  7. Prohibition of activities that soil or deface the interior or exterior of the Villa, including graffiti.

  8. Unauthorized commercial use of photographs or any other media taken within the Villa premises may result in legal action, please exercise caution.

  9. The use, operation, or photography of small unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) within the Villa premises is strictly prohibited unless authorized by the Villa.

【Important Points】

  1. All contents of the garbage bins will be disposed of. Additionally, all food and beverages will be treated as abandoned and discarded.

  2. Any lost or forgotten items found within the Villa premises will be stored for one month before being disposed of, unless they are clearly damaged, in which case they will be treated as abandoned. For the retrieval of lost items, please provide the designated shipping address and note that the shipping charges will be paid upon delivery.

  3. In the event of damage, defacement, or loss of the Villa's buildings, facilities, furnishings, or any other items, the responsible party will be  required to provide appropriate compensation.

  4. The use of the Villa's pool is prohibited for small children without adult supervision, as well as any games or activities around the pool area. Please ensure that children are always accompanied by adults. It is understood that neither the Villa nor its management shall be held responsible for any accidents or incidents that occur in the Villa's pool or premises, regardless of age.

  5. If there is any throwing of objects into the pool or leaving of debris, or if the usage deviates from common sense and is clearly deemed intentional, a corresponding amount will be charged as a cleaning and maintenance fee.

【Responsibilities and disclaimers of this villa】

  1. The Villa shall compensate guests for any damages caused to them due to the performance or non-performance of the accommodation contract or related agreements by the Villa. However, this compensation shall not apply if the damages are not attributable to the Villa's fault.

  2. The Villa has obtained liability insurance for compensation in case of unforeseen events.

  3. If this villa cannot be provided to the guest, we will arrange other accommodation under the same conditions as much as possible with the consent of the guest.

  4. If the Villa is unable to arrange alternative accommodations as stated above, the Villa shall compensate the guest with an amount equivalent to the cancellation fee, and this compensation fee shall be deducted from the amount of damages. However, if the inability to provide the Villa's services is not attributable to the Villa's fault, no compensation fee shall be paid.



 Please note that the above translation is provided for informational purposes and may not be legally binding.

 For accurate and official  translations, it is recommended to consult with a professional translator or legal expert.

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